Friday, May 30, 2008

Cufflinks in INSTORE magazine!

A few months ago I received word that the senior editor of INSTORE magazine was looking for jewelry submissions for the magazine's product section. Each month a different product category and it's various price ranges is featured in a multiple page spread---for example: Bridal jewelry, Men's jewelry, Back-to-School jewelry, etc. I jumped at the opportunity and sent the editor a CD full of my jewelry images. I crossed my fingers and waited...

Yesterday, I received my copy of the June issue of INSTORE and there were my cufflinks!!! Needless to say, I'm thrilled!


  1. You should be thrilled..what a wonderful surprise..They are really nice..Happy for you..

  2. Congratulations, Danielle! I'm sure you were thrilled.

  3. How exciting. Congrats!
    One of my baby books made it into 'Parent's' magazine last year - it really makes you proud, doesn't it?

  4. Congratulations, that is great to see.
