Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday at the Bench...BMAC prep

I have been busy getting ready for the upcoming Buyers Market...replenishing my pillaged sample set and designing new work. I always feel a little ADD at this time of year...a huge list of "to do's" and too many ideas going in too many directions. This week I have been (trying) to concentrate on adding to my Marquise Collection and am really excited about some of the results. I still have tons to do and nothing is complete yet, but here is a sample of what I've started:
These bracelets are quickly becoming some of new favorites...especially the forged one! I wore it all day yesterday to test the balance and it is simple, graphic and elegant.


  1. I love these!
    Hey Danielle, you're "IT"!
    Yes, I tagged you. If you want to play, check my blog for information and game rules.

    I hope you play ;)

  2. I love all of these new pieces! So glad you are adding to this collection.
