Friday, January 28, 2011

Nervous Habit Rings

There is something particularly intimate about a ring---Not only because it is used as a symbol of love---but because it literally surrounds and becomes a part of the wearer more so than other jewelry. Our hands are the main source of our gestural language...we wave hello, we hug, we shake and hold hands...
Nervous Habit Ring #7. Made in 1996-ish.
Published in "Fidgeting in Style" Lapidary Journal January 1997 and "1000 Rings", Lark Books.

I have always liked to make rings that are gestural, playful, kinetic....
Rings that can be enjoyed by the wearer and viewer, rings that are conversation starters, rings that are more than just rings...

Revisiting my love for kinetic rings in the Ring-a-Week Challenge has made me think about some of my older designs. I recently rephotographed them since I had no digital images of them---only slides! (How old school is that?!)
Nervous Habit Ring #8? Made in 1996-ish.
Published in "Fidgeting in Style" Lapidary Journal January 1997.


  1. These are amazing!

  2. Thanks for sharing some of your earlier work - its great to see 'then' and 'now' - both are wonderful! That first ring looks like a TON of work!

  3. These rings were some of my first FAVORITE metalwork back when I was discovering jewelry in high school! I didn't realize you made them! Very cool!

  4. Hi Corey! Yes, I made these when I was in my mid twenties. Thanks for making me feel old! LOL! ;)
