If I had to choose one of my own rings, it would be my "Growth" ring from day #25. I had been experimenting with the folded leaf-like band since my "Orange Blossom" ring on day #13 and I really think the resolution of "Growth" is a perfect continuation of that experimentation. I will definitely be making more of these slightly whimsical, nature-inspired rings in the coming months.
There are too many fabulous rings to choose favorites, but here are a few that I really love from others participating in this project. And don't forget you can always browse the entire group pool (over 3,ooo photos so far!) on flickr: Ring-a-Day.

Please visit the other blogs participating in today's blog carnival to read about their favorites:
Alisa Miller
Beth Cyr
Caitlyn Davey/discomedusa
Catherine Chandler
Colleen Baran
Chris Parry
kerin rose
Maureen "Cosmo's Moon" BZ
Nina Dinoff
Sara Westermark
stacey hansen
Su Trindle
Thomasin Durgin
Victoria Takahashi