I always love hearing my customers' love stories, so when I received an email with a link to a blog post about a customer's proposal, I was THRILLED!
Here is Alexa & William's story in her words...

I know I don't share too much personal stuff here in blogland, but I wanted to share with you the big news of my engagement to my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years William! I knew this was coming for a while, but I had no clue when and I really wasn't expecting it to happen at the beach, but it did. He's a sneaky little fella!

Since it had been his week off from spring break, he had planned a couple night getaway for us. Everyone at work kept teasing me saying it was going to happen, but I still wasn't getting worked up over it. I've always been very rational and not tried to get overly excited for something in fear of disappointment. To me, if it happened, it would happen, and if it didn't that would be ok too.
On Friday night, we got in late to town in Morro Bay and most everything, but the restaurants were closed. We had a nice dinner at a local restaurant overlooking the Morro Bay Rock. It was absolutely beautiful. It's been a couple years since I've made my way to the coast, so it was special!

On Saturday, we checked out the town and the shops, then went to Pismo to the pier and beach. We hung out at the pier for a while. Everything was so nice and relaxing. Not a care in the world. Afterward, we walked the beach and went to sit by the sand dunes. We were talking, laughing and enjoying our time. Before I knew it, William started talking about spending the rest of our lives together and he asked me to marry him! He pulled out the ring (I had picked it out on Etsy a few months back) and of course I said YES! I think he had to ask twice just to make sure, though. He's the best thing to have ever happened to me and he's my best friend. I love him so much and it's so amazing to feel his love in return. He even made me emotional and made me cry (for those who know me well, this is a very rare feat.) Haha, William's always looking over to see if I'm crying in sad parts of movies, most of the time I'm not.
Anyway, that's our story. I love my ring and I'm so excited to get to share the rest of my life with him. He truly is an amazing person. We have so much in common. We have the same sense of humor and I love his boyish charm and compassion for others. He really is my perfect match. Some may say we even look a little alike. All the best couples do, don't you think :)

A detail of my ring from Etsy seller Danielle Miller jewelry. Her rings and jewelry designs are SO unique!
And for the curious, we did meet on EHarmony. I really didn't think I would meet my soulmate online! Maybe we should be in one of those goofy commercials. I better get Neil Clark Warren on the line!

Thank you Alexa for sharing your lovely story! Hop on over to her DYI blog for some crafty, creative inspiration: The Swell Life.