Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
My best jewelery memory....
Once a month, members of the EtsyMetal team are asked a question and then requested to blog about it. This month's question is: What is your best jewelry memory?
I don't have a single best jewelry memory. But all of my best jewelry memories are with my husband, Ben. That sounds like a cliché, but it's not really...
In case you are wondering (or worrying!) NONE of the memories include him getting down on his knee. He never formally proposed or presented me with an engagement ring. (And that is a story for another day!) In fact, in the 17 years that we have been together, he has only given me 2 pieces of jewelry. (And why should he, right? Although a nice big stone that I could put into a piece of jewelry might be nice someday. hmmmmmm.)
I don't have digital images of my school work. These are badly scanned from slides.
I don't think this is the piece I was working on when we watched "Robin and Marian", but it of the same time period (circa 1992).
Another fond jewelry memory I have takes place years later...
Ben and Danielle casting at Rowan University circa 1998
To read about my fellow EtsyMetal members' best jewelry memory, please visit the following blogs:
Andes Cruz Designs
Sara Westermark
I don't have a single best jewelry memory. But all of my best jewelry memories are with my husband, Ben. That sounds like a cliché, but it's not really...
In case you are wondering (or worrying!) NONE of the memories include him getting down on his knee. He never formally proposed or presented me with an engagement ring. (And that is a story for another day!) In fact, in the 17 years that we have been together, he has only given me 2 pieces of jewelry. (And why should he, right? Although a nice big stone that I could put into a piece of jewelry might be nice someday. hmmmmmm.)
I have digressed a little from my original thought...
I met Ben when we were attending Tyler School of Art---I was getting my BFA, he was getting his MFA---we were both concentrating our studies in the Jewelry/Metals Department. After a year of friendship, our relationship evolved into a more romantic one. I have many fond (and some not so fond) jewelry related memories during this period of my life. One in particular was when I was working late in the studio one weekend night. Ben really wanted me to watch one of his favorite movies "Robin and Marian," but I had to work on my project. So he rented the movie and brought it to the studio. He pulled the forming stakes I needed to use in front of the studio television, so I could watch the movie with him while I worked. (Nice date, huh?)

Another fond jewelry memory I have takes place years later...
I had started my business and Ben was teaching Jewelry/Metals at Rowan University. We would go to Rowan every Sunday---he opened the studio for his students and I would work on my own jewelry. We would drive from Philadelphia to Glassboro in the late morning and pick up lunch on the way---many times we would eat a picnic lunch on the lawn near the jewelry studio. We would spend all day there---I would bring waxes that that I injected at our home studio and we would invest them, do a quick burn out and cast. We would drive home Sunday night---many times fighting with the summertime New Jersey to Philly beach traffic---and would listen to "This American Life" on the car radio.

To read about my fellow EtsyMetal members' best jewelry memory, please visit the following blogs:
Andes Cruz Designs
Sara Westermark
Friday, November 13, 2009
10% off - Weekend Deal!
Get ready for the holidays and start your shopping early! I'm kicking off the season with a 10% off sale in my Etsy shop this weekend Friday, November 13 - Sunday, November 15. (Sorry, custom orders do not apply.) Don't wait....ACT NOW! Simply write the coupon code "Weekend Deals" in the message to seller during your checkout on Etsy!
1."Chiseled 4" Rose Cut Diamond Ring, 2. Satellite Pendants, 3. Midnight Vine Ring, 4. Trefoil Flower Pendant

If you are one of my wholesale customers, this offer is extended to you too! But hurry! You need to place your order THIS weekend to qualify for this great deal! Call or email me for details or to place your qualified wholesale order.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Atlanta Contemporary Jewelry Show

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Headed to Asheville
As few days ago, I went to the gem show in Asheville, NC....I had a wonderful time visiting with my talented jewelry friends Maggie Joynt and Joanna Gollberg.
And these are some of the goodies I picked up...
And these are some of the goodies I picked up...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
I remember
Today is one of those days in history that people say "I remember where I was when..."
On this day, 8 years ago, I was at my parents' home in Pennsylvania.
I had been in Pittsburgh the weekend before, selling my work at the Fair in the Park. Rather than driving back to South Carolina after the show, I choose to visit my family for a week so I could attend my cousin's wedding the following weekend. I drove through Somerset County on Sunday night, where United Airlines Flight 93 would crash in a field 36 hours later.
I was enjoying my time off at my parents' and was sleeping in on Tuesday morning. A phone call from my brother woke me up. He tried to tell me what was happening. "We're under attack!" I thought he was joking and I laughed at him. He urged my mother and me to turn on the television. I could not believe what I saw....
I remember and I will never forget.
On this day, 8 years ago, I was at my parents' home in Pennsylvania.
I had been in Pittsburgh the weekend before, selling my work at the Fair in the Park. Rather than driving back to South Carolina after the show, I choose to visit my family for a week so I could attend my cousin's wedding the following weekend. I drove through Somerset County on Sunday night, where United Airlines Flight 93 would crash in a field 36 hours later.
I was enjoying my time off at my parents' and was sleeping in on Tuesday morning. A phone call from my brother woke me up. He tried to tell me what was happening. "We're under attack!" I thought he was joking and I laughed at him. He urged my mother and me to turn on the television. I could not believe what I saw....
I remember and I will never forget.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The first piece of jewelry I made...
I made my first piece of jewelry well over 20 years ago. Sure, I strung macaroni and made construction paper link necklaces years before that...but this was was first metalsmithed piece.
I had an amazing high school art teacher (thank you Mr. Pozun!) and he introduced jewelry making when I was a sophomore (circa 1986 - age 16). The funny part of the story is....I HATED it! We had to lay out our design on a sheet of nickle silver and cut it out. The tedious sawing and filing that followed was TORTURE. And Mr Pozun did all the soldering, so I missed out on the FIRE (aka the fun part)!
I truly discovered my passion for working in metals a year later, while at the PA Governor's School (a summer art camp of sorts) when I was introduced to steel sculpture and braising. Metal + Fire = LOVE!
And a year later, I was in college and concentrating my studies in Jewelry/Metals. Funny how things work out, huh?

To read about my fellow EtsyMetal members' first piece of jewelry, please visit the following blogs:
Andes Cruz http://andescruz.wordpress.com/
Beth Cyr http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com
Caitlyn Davey http://discomedusa.typepad.com
Clare Stoker http://clarestoker.blogspot.com
Cynthia Del Giudice http://cynthiadelgiudice.blogspot.com/
Delias Thompson http://deliasstudioinc.blogspot.com
duckduckGoose http://duckduckgoosestuff.co.uk/duckduckBLOG
Kerin Rose http://kerinrose.blogspot.com
Laura Crawford http://tangerinetreehouse.blogspot.com
Libby Rosas http://elizabethrosasjewelry.blogspot.com
Nina Dinoff http://ninadinoff.blogspot.com
Nina Gibson http://ninagibsondesigns.blogspot.com/
Sara Westermark http://sarawestermark.blogspot.com/
Tamra Gentry http://gentrydesignco.typepad.com/
Quercus Silver http://quercussilver.blogspot.com
I had an amazing high school art teacher (thank you Mr. Pozun!) and he introduced jewelry making when I was a sophomore (circa 1986 - age 16). The funny part of the story is....I HATED it! We had to lay out our design on a sheet of nickle silver and cut it out. The tedious sawing and filing that followed was TORTURE. And Mr Pozun did all the soldering, so I missed out on the FIRE (aka the fun part)!
To read about my fellow EtsyMetal members' first piece of jewelry, please visit the following blogs:
Andes Cruz http://andescruz.wordpress.com/
Beth Cyr http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com
Caitlyn Davey http://discomedusa.typepad.com
Clare Stoker http://clarestoker.blogspot.com
Cynthia Del Giudice http://cynthiadelgiudice.blogspot.com/
Delias Thompson http://deliasstudioinc.blogspot.com
duckduckGoose http://duckduckgoosestuff.co.uk/duckduckBLOG
Kerin Rose http://kerinrose.blogspot.com
Laura Crawford http://tangerinetreehouse.blogspot.com
Libby Rosas http://elizabethrosasjewelry.blogspot.com
Nina Dinoff http://ninadinoff.blogspot.com
Nina Gibson http://ninagibsondesigns.blogspot.com/
Sara Westermark http://sarawestermark.blogspot.com/
Tamra Gentry http://gentrydesignco.typepad.com/
Quercus Silver http://quercussilver.blogspot.com
EtsyMetal Blog Carnival,
Friday, September 4, 2009
Artful home fall catalog
Monday, August 31, 2009
A breath of inspiration...
Monday, August 17, 2009
Gallery of the Month : Gallery Fifty (part two)
Please enjoy this second half of my interview with Christie Minervini, the creative owner of Gallery Fifty. (If you missed the first half, read it here.)
About the Business...
Q: Who is your customer base...Tourists? Locals? Repeat Customers? Collectors?
A: Our business is fairly seasonal, with the majority of sales happening between July and December. We love tourists because they are three times more likely to make a purchase than our year-round "regular" customers. However, over the past five years our local base has really grown. Especially men shopping for their wives or girlfriends. We've also experience an increase of area art collectors.
Q: How do you promote your artists / store?
A: We do a lot of advertising -- spending approximately 8 - 10% of our gross on marketing the gallery. Regular postcard mailings to our customer database, print advertising in regional publications, and underwriting our local National Pubic Radio station. We also spend on our web site, and an occasional ad in American Style or other NICHE magazines of the like.
Q: Where do you find your artists/product?
A: We do a lot of travel -- Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago SOFA and One-of-a-Kind shows. I also travel to the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show every year. Even attended an ACRE show in Las Vegas this spring. I spend a lot of time curating for the "50 States" concept. A lot of our artists are now coming to us through word-of-mouth-- especially jewelry. I love the "pick box" idea... often seeing what's the latest and greatest without traveling to a show.
Q: What inspires you to buy a product?
A: Design is always going to be what inspires me to buy. A great design -- even without complex techniques or rare materials -- is what grabs me. A bonus is working with an artist or designer who knows how to self-promote (art statement cards, photography, nice web site, etc.).
Q: What is HOT right now?
A: Small original paintings (4" x 4" or 6" x 6"), inspirational works incorporating text, and our best-selling line of "Fordite" jewelry created from layers of vintage car paint.
Q: What do you think the next "wave or trend" is?
A: For us, it is definitely our move toward offering fine studio jewelry in high-karat gold and gemstones. We're really promoting the designs of Alex Sepkus, Todd Reed and Anne Sportun now and the results starting to pick up.
Q: What changes have been made from when you first opened the business?
A: We've quadrupled the amount of jewelry and the range that we're representing -- currently showing work by 25 designers. It's a huge percentage of our business. We've also continued to offer more "upscale" work in terms of quality and price.
About You...
Q: Are you, yourself an artist?
A: I've been making beaded jewelry for over ten years, but I've been getting more into metalworking lately. I've had workshops with Thomas Mann and James Binnion and continue my education when I can.
Q: What is your favorite/least favorite part of your business?
A: My favorite part of the business is curating and merchandising the gallery. My least favorite part is managing the 150+ artists that we represent; the bookwork associated with consignment; and following up on orders/ deliveries/ promised ship date, etc.
Q: What is your favorite item you have kept for yourself from your store?
A: Too many to count! I like to own at least one piece from each of the jewelry designers that we represent, and I love getting "first pick" when our fine artists come in with new work.
Q: What do you feel makes you successful / what makes you most proud?
A: I'm especially proud that I've grown the gallery from a $15,000 investment five years ago into two 1,500 sq. ft. locations with a combined value of almost $200,000. I did it by taking 75% of our profits and reinvesting in the gallery, year after year.
Q: List your likes and interests, using only one word each or short phrases...
A: Fine art and original design
Ethnic food
Music performed by singer/ songwriters
Independent and foreign film
Time spent with my ten-year-old daughter
Wise words from Christie: "If running a gallery were a science, everyone would be doing it. It's an art and you have to be a creative person to succeed at it."
If you find yourself in Traverse City, Michigan, stop by Gallery Fifity. And no matter where you are, you can visit the website and blog.

Q: Who is your customer base...Tourists? Locals? Repeat Customers? Collectors?
A: Our business is fairly seasonal, with the majority of sales happening between July and December. We love tourists because they are three times more likely to make a purchase than our year-round "regular" customers. However, over the past five years our local base has really grown. Especially men shopping for their wives or girlfriends. We've also experience an increase of area art collectors.
Q: How do you promote your artists / store?
A: We do a lot of advertising -- spending approximately 8 - 10% of our gross on marketing the gallery. Regular postcard mailings to our customer database, print advertising in regional publications, and underwriting our local National Pubic Radio station. We also spend on our web site, and an occasional ad in American Style or other NICHE magazines of the like.
Q: Where do you find your artists/product?
A: We do a lot of travel -- Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago SOFA and One-of-a-Kind shows. I also travel to the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show every year. Even attended an ACRE show in Las Vegas this spring. I spend a lot of time curating for the "50 States" concept. A lot of our artists are now coming to us through word-of-mouth-- especially jewelry. I love the "pick box" idea... often seeing what's the latest and greatest without traveling to a show.
Q: What inspires you to buy a product?
A: Design is always going to be what inspires me to buy. A great design -- even without complex techniques or rare materials -- is what grabs me. A bonus is working with an artist or designer who knows how to self-promote (art statement cards, photography, nice web site, etc.).
Q: What is HOT right now?
A: Small original paintings (4" x 4" or 6" x 6"), inspirational works incorporating text, and our best-selling line of "Fordite" jewelry created from layers of vintage car paint.
Q: What do you think the next "wave or trend" is?
A: For us, it is definitely our move toward offering fine studio jewelry in high-karat gold and gemstones. We're really promoting the designs of Alex Sepkus, Todd Reed and Anne Sportun now and the results starting to pick up.
Q: What changes have been made from when you first opened the business?
A: We've quadrupled the amount of jewelry and the range that we're representing -- currently showing work by 25 designers. It's a huge percentage of our business. We've also continued to offer more "upscale" work in terms of quality and price.
About You...
Q: Are you, yourself an artist?
A: I've been making beaded jewelry for over ten years, but I've been getting more into metalworking lately. I've had workshops with Thomas Mann and James Binnion and continue my education when I can.
A: My favorite part of the business is curating and merchandising the gallery. My least favorite part is managing the 150+ artists that we represent; the bookwork associated with consignment; and following up on orders/ deliveries/ promised ship date, etc.
Q: What is your favorite item you have kept for yourself from your store?
A: Too many to count! I like to own at least one piece from each of the jewelry designers that we represent, and I love getting "first pick" when our fine artists come in with new work.
Q: What do you feel makes you successful / what makes you most proud?
A: I'm especially proud that I've grown the gallery from a $15,000 investment five years ago into two 1,500 sq. ft. locations with a combined value of almost $200,000. I did it by taking 75% of our profits and reinvesting in the gallery, year after year.

A: Fine art and original design
Ethnic food
Music performed by singer/ songwriters
Independent and foreign film
Time spent with my ten-year-old daughter
Wise words from Christie: "If running a gallery were a science, everyone would be doing it. It's an art and you have to be a creative person to succeed at it."
If you find yourself in Traverse City, Michigan, stop by Gallery Fifity. And no matter where you are, you can visit the website and blog.
Gallery of the Month : Gallery Fifty (part one)
Gallery of the Month posts are back! And I am happy to introduce you to Christie Minervini, the creative owner of Gallery Fifty, located in Traverse City, MI. Please enjoy this first half f my interview with Christie...
About the Store...
Q: Why did you decide to open a gallery? How long have you been open?
A: I have a B.A. in Art (Design) from the University of Iowa and spent fifteen years in sales and marketing -- mostly print media -- before finally moving into the gallery business. I have always loved art and it was a life-long goal to open Gallery Fifty. What I hadn't realized during this time is what an asset that a background in sales and marketing would be to my new profession. I'm sure I would have failed miserably if I tried to do this right out of college.
My interest in craft has developed -- mainly as a collector -- over the past twenty years. It started with glass and grew to include ceramics, fiber and then finally paintings and assemblages. Of course, my first love has always been studio jewelry.
Q: Describe your gallery, the work you carry, etc...
A: Our reputation has always been for contemporary or abstract art, but because we're housed in a 125 year-old former insane asylum, I also gravitate toward work that honors or complements the history of the building. Themes of antiquity and mystery, work created with aged materials, "found art" and recycled or repurposed pieces are given special prominence.
I'm opening a new gallery downtown in September and will be offering more refined work there. All of our fine jewelry will be featured there, in addition to higher-end glass, ceramics and fine art.
Q: Are your products exclusively handmade?
A: Yes, I'd say 95% of our work is handcrafted or produced in the artist's studio. The other 5% are items produced by American designers.
Q: Do you represent local or international artist/designers?
A: We named our gallery, "Gallery Fifty" because we represent artists and designers from all fifty states. That being said, we feature mainly local or regional artists with the wall art in the gallery. I also present an exhibition series showcasing local talent bi-monthly.
Q: What is your price range of the products you sell?
We have products starting at $12 all the way up to $10,000. For fine art, our best-selling price range is $300 - $700. For studio jewelry it is $150 - $500. We offer a great selection of gifts in the $45 - $125 range.
Q: Do you have special events? ie: First Friday? Exhibitions/openings? Trunk shows?
A: Like I already mentioned, we present a bi-monthly exhibition series in the show space adjacent to the gallery. With approximately 500 linear feet of wall, it's the biggest exhibition space in northern Michigan. We also host about 5-8 jewelry trunk shows a year.
-What's happening now?
Alex Sepkus Jewelry Trunk Show, August 14 - 15, 2009
"Winds of Change" Fiber Artists Coalition Show from September 1- October 31, 2009
Q: Do you offer special services? ie: wedding/baby/gift registries, shipping, gift wrapping
A: We always offer complimentary gift wrapping and have a "Wish List" gift registry available. We also offer "no hassle" shipping services.
Q: Do you sell online?
A: We don't currently offer a shopping card check out system, but we offer on-line buying through the blog portion of our website. Just call or email to order.
Please return to read the second half of my interview with Chrisitie...

Q: Why did you decide to open a gallery? How long have you been open?
A: I have a B.A. in Art (Design) from the University of Iowa and spent fifteen years in sales and marketing -- mostly print media -- before finally moving into the gallery business. I have always loved art and it was a life-long goal to open Gallery Fifty. What I hadn't realized during this time is what an asset that a background in sales and marketing would be to my new profession. I'm sure I would have failed miserably if I tried to do this right out of college.
My interest in craft has developed -- mainly as a collector -- over the past twenty years. It started with glass and grew to include ceramics, fiber and then finally paintings and assemblages. Of course, my first love has always been studio jewelry.
Q: Describe your gallery, the work you carry, etc...
A: Our reputation has always been for contemporary or abstract art, but because we're housed in a 125 year-old former insane asylum, I also gravitate toward work that honors or complements the history of the building. Themes of antiquity and mystery, work created with aged materials, "found art" and recycled or repurposed pieces are given special prominence.
I'm opening a new gallery downtown in September and will be offering more refined work there. All of our fine jewelry will be featured there, in addition to higher-end glass, ceramics and fine art.
Q: Are your products exclusively handmade?
A: Yes, I'd say 95% of our work is handcrafted or produced in the artist's studio. The other 5% are items produced by American designers.
Q: Do you represent local or international artist/designers?
A: We named our gallery, "Gallery Fifty" because we represent artists and designers from all fifty states. That being said, we feature mainly local or regional artists with the wall art in the gallery. I also present an exhibition series showcasing local talent bi-monthly.
Q: What is your price range of the products you sell?
We have products starting at $12 all the way up to $10,000. For fine art, our best-selling price range is $300 - $700. For studio jewelry it is $150 - $500. We offer a great selection of gifts in the $45 - $125 range.

A: Like I already mentioned, we present a bi-monthly exhibition series in the show space adjacent to the gallery. With approximately 500 linear feet of wall, it's the biggest exhibition space in northern Michigan. We also host about 5-8 jewelry trunk shows a year.
-What's happening now?
Alex Sepkus Jewelry Trunk Show, August 14 - 15, 2009
"Winds of Change" Fiber Artists Coalition Show from September 1- October 31, 2009
Q: Do you offer special services? ie: wedding/baby/gift registries, shipping, gift wrapping
A: We always offer complimentary gift wrapping and have a "Wish List" gift registry available. We also offer "no hassle" shipping services.
Q: Do you sell online?
A: We don't currently offer a shopping card check out system, but we offer on-line buying through the blog portion of our website. Just call or email to order.
Please return to read the second half of my interview with Chrisitie...
Friday, August 14, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009
R.I.P. my lovely Xuron
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Where has the time gone?
WOW--I have be neglecting my blog! Has it really been 2 months since I posted?!? I'm sorry! I don't even know where to begin...The summer has been busy and it is flying by. I've been doing a few craft shows, working on several custom orders and wholesale orders, participated in a project w/ Lark Books, went to New York for a quick get away and had several family adventures. More detailed info to follow on much of this soon...in the meantime I will leave you with these amazing images...
at the bench,
custom work,
just for fun,
Friday, June 5, 2009
Signature style...
A question has been asked, "How did you come to develop your clearly defined style? What inspired that signature style?"
First, I should describe what I consider my "clearly defined style"... Simple, refined geometric forms, clean line and kinetic elements (especially abacus-like ones) are an integral part of my "signature style."
I have always been drawn to geometry, minimalism and mechanisms. I believe that growing up in a steel mill town played a huge role in influencing this design aesthetic. I took in the everyday sights, like factory architecture, freight trains and the lattice of bridges, with a child’s wonder-filled eyes. All of this sparked my own creative industry, which I now express through my jewelry design. Like the gears and rails that inspired it, my jewelry is geometric and much of it has moving parts.
The kinetic aspect of my "signature style" was brought to life while I was studying jewelry at Tyler School of Art, during a project in which we had to design a piece of jewelry that attached to the wearer in a non-traditional method. I created a brooch that used a series of sterling gears and rubber rollers in which the wearer's shirt fabric rolled between the rollers as a means of attachment. After that project, I started to explore the concept of kinetic jewelry and how the wearer could interact with it. The last few months of my studies were devoted to creating large rings with playful, movable elements, entitled "Nervous Habit Rings." Once I graduated, I began scaling down my ideas to appeal to the consumer while still maintaining the kinetic base.
Incline Plane, Johnstown, PA
For more stories about inspiration and signature styles, please read these blogs, whose authors are posting on the topic on June 5 -6, 2009
First, I should describe what I consider my "clearly defined style"... Simple, refined geometric forms, clean line and kinetic elements (especially abacus-like ones) are an integral part of my "signature style."
I have always been drawn to geometry, minimalism and mechanisms. I believe that growing up in a steel mill town played a huge role in influencing this design aesthetic. I took in the everyday sights, like factory architecture, freight trains and the lattice of bridges, with a child’s wonder-filled eyes. All of this sparked my own creative industry, which I now express through my jewelry design. Like the gears and rails that inspired it, my jewelry is geometric and much of it has moving parts.
The kinetic aspect of my "signature style" was brought to life while I was studying jewelry at Tyler School of Art, during a project in which we had to design a piece of jewelry that attached to the wearer in a non-traditional method. I created a brooch that used a series of sterling gears and rubber rollers in which the wearer's shirt fabric rolled between the rollers as a means of attachment. After that project, I started to explore the concept of kinetic jewelry and how the wearer could interact with it. The last few months of my studies were devoted to creating large rings with playful, movable elements, entitled "Nervous Habit Rings." Once I graduated, I began scaling down my ideas to appeal to the consumer while still maintaining the kinetic base.

I entered the marketplace in 1994 with my kinetic designs...but didn't feel like I had my "signature style" down yet. In 1995 I made my first "Abacus Bracelet." I continued to build on that design and that is when my "signature style" finally took a true hold. Although my designs are constantly evolving, I still feel like all of my work has a consistent and "clearly defined style."
EtsyMetal Blog Carnival,
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My brother is a Rock Star!

Dirk Miller- NYE 2008 - Photo by Quinn 2008, originally uploaded by officialrustedroot.
Have I mentioned that my little brother, Dirk Miller, is a Rock Star? Well, he is! He has played with many bands, done studio work, roadie work and is currently playing with Rusted Root. I am going to see him play live for the first time in 9 years (Sad, isn't it? Unfortunately, we live far apart...) tonight in Greenville, SC at the Handlebar. I'm super excited and soooo proud of him!
Check out Rusted Root's tour schedule here. And their new video (which my bro is in!) here.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Recent Press: Fine Jewelry News

Sunday, May 24, 2009
In memorial...
Whether you politically agree with the battles they fought or not...Please take a moment to commemorate all U.S. men and women who have given their lives while in the military service on Memorial Day...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
To SNAG or not to SNAG, that is the question...
...well, not really, but it makes for a catchy (or should I say kitschy) blog title!
For my customers and readers who are thinking "Huh, SNAG???"
SNAG = Society of North American Goldsmiths. "An international educational nonprofit organization which supports and advances the professional practice of artists, designers, jewelers and metalsmiths." (or so they state on their website...)
This year's annual conference is entitled "REVOLUTION" and runs from May 20-23, 2009 in Philadelphia, PA.
from the Oxford American Dictionary:
So now the question is, what meaning of revolution is SNAG referring to? Are they revolting against something? If so, WHAT?!? OR...Are they simply orbiting around themselves and dancing in circles?!? These are valid questions. And if anyone knows the answers, please tell me!
Some of you may already be aware of my disappointment in SNAG, as I stated in my older post about Metalsmith's 2008 Exhibition in Print "Equilibrium: Body as Site." If not, you can read it here.
Despite the fact that I dropped my SNAG membership years ago because I didn't feel represented by the organization, I was truly interested in attending this year's conference. The dizzy title "REVOLUTION," naturally peeked my curiosity and the fact that it is taking place in my old stomping ground, Philadelphia, were factors. But I was actually more interested in the conference due to the web 2.0 wave. I feel like I have connected with more of my peers within the last year through facebook, crafthaus, flickr and Etsy than I have in the last 16 years since I graduated from college. The ability to meet many of these people in real life was the real draw. I was also very interested in the Professional Development Seminar. (Although I am confused why it is call a "pre-conference program"...doesn't it take place after registration begins...therefore it takes place during the conference. Are they trying to separate the professionals from the academics at the conference too?)
Unfortunately, I am not able to attend the "REVOLUTION" due to a schedule conflict.
I am looking forward to hearing reports from others about the "REVOLUTION" so I can decide if I want to renew my SNAG membership or to resign to the fact that the organization is not meant for designers like me. I would be naive if I thought that one revolutionary conference would change the feudalism of our art metal community. However, with the influx of a younger, and hopefully more open-minded audience, change may slowly start to take place.
For my customers and readers who are thinking "Huh, SNAG???"
SNAG = Society of North American Goldsmiths. "An international educational nonprofit organization which supports and advances the professional practice of artists, designers, jewelers and metalsmiths." (or so they state on their website...)

from the Oxford American Dictionary:
revolution |ˌrevəˈloō sh ən|
1 a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.
• ( the Revolution) the American Revolution.
• (often the Revolution) (in Marxism) the class struggle that is expected to lead to political change and the triumph of communism.
• a dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way something works or is organized or in people's ideas about it : marketing underwent a revolution.
2 an instance of revolving : one revolution a second.
• motion in orbit or a circular course or around an axis or center.
• the single completion of an orbit or rotation.
So now the question is, what meaning of revolution is SNAG referring to? Are they revolting against something? If so, WHAT?!? OR...Are they simply orbiting around themselves and dancing in circles?!? These are valid questions. And if anyone knows the answers, please tell me!
Some of you may already be aware of my disappointment in SNAG, as I stated in my older post about Metalsmith's 2008 Exhibition in Print "Equilibrium: Body as Site." If not, you can read it here.
Despite the fact that I dropped my SNAG membership years ago because I didn't feel represented by the organization, I was truly interested in attending this year's conference. The dizzy title "REVOLUTION," naturally peeked my curiosity and the fact that it is taking place in my old stomping ground, Philadelphia, were factors. But I was actually more interested in the conference due to the web 2.0 wave. I feel like I have connected with more of my peers within the last year through facebook, crafthaus, flickr and Etsy than I have in the last 16 years since I graduated from college. The ability to meet many of these people in real life was the real draw. I was also very interested in the Professional Development Seminar. (Although I am confused why it is call a "pre-conference program"...doesn't it take place after registration begins...therefore it takes place during the conference. Are they trying to separate the professionals from the academics at the conference too?)
Unfortunately, I am not able to attend the "REVOLUTION" due to a schedule conflict.
I am looking forward to hearing reports from others about the "REVOLUTION" so I can decide if I want to renew my SNAG membership or to resign to the fact that the organization is not meant for designers like me. I would be naive if I thought that one revolutionary conference would change the feudalism of our art metal community. However, with the influx of a younger, and hopefully more open-minded audience, change may slowly start to take place.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
These Shadow Boxes are like Magic!
I was recently invited to participate in an art exhibition that was, ironically and unfortunately, not prepared to display jewelry. Normally I would shy (or run) away from organizations not able to properly display/secure jewelry. However, this exhibition pulled on my heart strings. It is the first exhibition for the past scholarship recipients of the Allied Artists of Johnstown---a scholarship I was awarded 20 years ago!
Feeling nostalgic, my mission began...find a way to display my jewelry that is secure and easy to ship. That is when I remembered an article I read in the Jeweler Resource Bureau about mounting jewelry in floating shadow boxes. These shadow boxes are two part frames which open at the center, allowing you to place almost any jewelry item inside. A clear, flexible plastic sheeting accommodates the jewelry and holds it firmly in place---virtually suspending it. A strong magnetic strip holds the two sides of the frame/box securely closed.
My next mission...find a way to secure this shadow box onto a pedestal and prevent it from being opened. That is when I turned to my husband, Ben Gilliam---metal artist, teacher and brilliant gig maker.
He designed and made me this wooden stand to hold the shadow box. It gets screwed to the top of the pedestal then the frame slides into the groove. He inserted a female thread into the bottom of the shadow box frame, and a screw then secures the frame in the wood base. Simple and brilliant, no?! Thanks, Ben!
These shadow boxes are available in bulk from Prestige Pak Inc. or in smaller quantities from Rio Grande.
Feeling nostalgic, my mission began...find a way to display my jewelry that is secure and easy to ship. That is when I remembered an article I read in the Jeweler Resource Bureau about mounting jewelry in floating shadow boxes. These shadow boxes are two part frames which open at the center, allowing you to place almost any jewelry item inside. A clear, flexible plastic sheeting accommodates the jewelry and holds it firmly in place---virtually suspending it. A strong magnetic strip holds the two sides of the frame/box securely closed.
My next mission...find a way to secure this shadow box onto a pedestal and prevent it from being opened. That is when I turned to my husband, Ben Gilliam---metal artist, teacher and brilliant gig maker.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Vote for me!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Celebrating Earth Day as a Jeweler...
I have been debating for weeks if I should write an Earth Day post. The simple fact is, what I do for a living contributes to polluting and reaping the planet. Metal and gems come from the earth via mining and mining is a “dirty” business which has a huge impact on the environment. Here are just a few eye opening facts:
-A single gold ring generates 5 to 20 tons of mine and environmental waste.
-96% of U.S. arsenic emissions and 76% of lead emissions come from mining.
-2 to 5 grams of mercury are released into the environment for every gram of gold recovered.
-Cyanide used in leaching gold from ore can pollute water resources and kill fish and other life.
-Metal mining consumes as much as 10% of world's energy.
What is a jeweler to do? One way we can begin to "go green" is to use 100% recycled metals. Although a major percentage of the precious metals in circulation are already recycled (who throws it away?!), they are usually a mixture of recycled and newly mined material. At this time, it is impossible to police where all the metal in our manufactured findings come from. However, we can, at least, purchase our mill products from refiners who certify that they are selling 100% recycled metal.
Unfortunately, buying recycled metals will not solve the problems in the mining industry. We should also demand that the mining industry abandon practices that endanger people and ecosystems.
For more information on this subject please visit the following sites:
Ethical Metalsmiths
No Dirty Gold
The Alliance for Responsible Mining
Sky Truth
Responsible Jewelry Council
International Cyanide Management Code
Articles on this subject:
"The Real Price of Gold" By Brook Larmer (National Geographic)
"What Jewelers Mean When They Say Green" by Patrick Totty(Modern Jeweler magazine)
Resources for eco-friendly refiner and manufacturer of precious metals:
Hoover and Strong
Oro Verde/ Green Gold Corporation
Thunderbird Supply Company
-A single gold ring generates 5 to 20 tons of mine and environmental waste.
-96% of U.S. arsenic emissions and 76% of lead emissions come from mining.
-2 to 5 grams of mercury are released into the environment for every gram of gold recovered.
-Cyanide used in leaching gold from ore can pollute water resources and kill fish and other life.
-Metal mining consumes as much as 10% of world's energy.
What is a jeweler to do? One way we can begin to "go green" is to use 100% recycled metals. Although a major percentage of the precious metals in circulation are already recycled (who throws it away?!), they are usually a mixture of recycled and newly mined material. At this time, it is impossible to police where all the metal in our manufactured findings come from. However, we can, at least, purchase our mill products from refiners who certify that they are selling 100% recycled metal.
Unfortunately, buying recycled metals will not solve the problems in the mining industry. We should also demand that the mining industry abandon practices that endanger people and ecosystems.
For more information on this subject please visit the following sites:
Ethical Metalsmiths
No Dirty Gold
The Alliance for Responsible Mining
Sky Truth
Responsible Jewelry Council
International Cyanide Management Code
Articles on this subject:
"The Real Price of Gold" By Brook Larmer (National Geographic)
"What Jewelers Mean When They Say Green" by Patrick Totty(Modern Jeweler magazine)
Resources for eco-friendly refiner and manufacturer of precious metals:
Hoover and Strong
Oro Verde/ Green Gold Corporation
Thunderbird Supply Company
ethical metalsmithing,
Monday, April 20, 2009
Not all that glitters is gold...
My fellow Etsymetal member Chris Parry, shared this story with his fellow team mates in our private forums. I felt it was a lesson that needed to be shared with my blog readers as well....
"A little story goes with this ring.
A customer brought this into me and asked me if it was real. At the time it was a very shiny gold colour. (It had been gold plated.)
Inside the ring, you can just make out two marks a 750 and a 18k. Both presuming to mean that it is 18k gold.
However, when he gave it to me, the colour of the gold was wrong and the weight as well. The spurious marks also made me feel this ring was a fake.
So I put it under my torch and as you can see the resulting black mess proves that it is just a brass/copper metal underneath.
It does infact look like a plumbers olive. Something used by plumber in the UK when installing water pipes in houses.
The client had bought this ring from a beggar in Lonodon for £5 and his own words, "it was worth a gamble".
You could probably buy a 100 of these olives for a £5.
So the beggar was no ordinary beggar, as he clearly had access to a gold plating unit, so he was in fact probably a scam artist.
Then about six months later, a lady bought an identical ring in to me and I gave her the same bad news, but she insisted it had been in her family for years (Probably just embarrassed that she had parted with good money for a fake)
Be warned you all, not all that glitters is gold"
"A little story goes with this ring.
A customer brought this into me and asked me if it was real. At the time it was a very shiny gold colour. (It had been gold plated.)
Inside the ring, you can just make out two marks a 750 and a 18k. Both presuming to mean that it is 18k gold.
However, when he gave it to me, the colour of the gold was wrong and the weight as well. The spurious marks also made me feel this ring was a fake.
So I put it under my torch and as you can see the resulting black mess proves that it is just a brass/copper metal underneath.
It does infact look like a plumbers olive. Something used by plumber in the UK when installing water pipes in houses.
The client had bought this ring from a beggar in Lonodon for £5 and his own words, "it was worth a gamble".
You could probably buy a 100 of these olives for a £5.
So the beggar was no ordinary beggar, as he clearly had access to a gold plating unit, so he was in fact probably a scam artist.
Then about six months later, a lady bought an identical ring in to me and I gave her the same bad news, but she insisted it had been in her family for years (Probably just embarrassed that she had parted with good money for a fake)
Be warned you all, not all that glitters is gold"
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday at the bench...

With the help of a wordsmith friend, I put together several press releases and made beautiful presentation kits which were mailed to several local media.
I designed new postcards for an upcoming show I'm doing and sent them to the printer...

I finalized my new Etsy business card design and sent them to the printer...

...and I designed and made new Thank You cards for my customers.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Babycenter: MOMformation blog interview

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